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Horoscope Compatibility

Aside from the star comparison, horoscopes' resemblance must be considered before one decides to get married. The Papasamya must be checked for the placement the good and threatening positions of the evil planets and dependent on the ascendant, Venus, and Moon. If the evil planets of Mars, Saturn, Sun, and Rahu are placed in the ascendant 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 8th, the twelfth House in the horoscopes of male and female should be similarly placed in both horoscopes.

For an evil planet placed in the 7th or 8th place of the female horoscope, a evil planet put in the 7th place of the male horoscope is the correct arrangement. For evil planets in the Vyayadhanahibuka positions (12, 2, 4), it must be sure that there are evil planets under 12th, 2th, and fourth situations in both the horoscopes.

Values are specified as 1 for ascendant, one half for the Moon, and one fourth for Venus. It is always better that both the evil planets are equal. A slight increase in the evil focuses of the male horoscope can be passed. A evil focus in the female horoscope must not be more important than one in the male horoscope.

If there's a chance that Mars is the ruler of the ascendant, there won't be a Mars Dosha. Mars is destructive in all the houses (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12) for which Papasamya is checked. Mars Dosha must not be credited if Mars is carrying the eighth, as the ruler of the 7th House. Mars, together with Jupiter Yoga or Drishti, is not regarded as destructive.

If Mars, the ruler of the ascendant, is placed in the eighth, there will be no Mars Dosha. In both male and female horoscope, if Mars is in the eighth, it creates a Dosha.


The Dasha sandhi both in the horoscopes must be checked before managing them. There must be a one-year gap between the periods when Dasas ends both in the horoscopes.

Jupiter/Rahu Dasasandhi is for men, while Sun/Venus Dasasandhi is for the ladies. Rahu/Mars Dasasandhi if for the two ladies and men that are threatening or dangerous. The Dasasandhi of the rulers of 3rd, 5th, 7th Houses are also troublesome.

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