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What should you do during the Mercury Retrograde?

The Mercury retrograde is a retrogressive shadow that will happen around two weeks before and two weeks after the planet’s backspin. Prior and after a planet moves backward, it will pass a period known as “stationing” in which the planets will adjust before transitioning to U-turn.

Mercury will retrograde starting October 31st until November 29th, 2019. The pre-shadow season will begin on October 11th and will end on December 7th.

Remember to take precautionary measures in the shadow period before you seal a deal, always secure and back up data that includes passwords, cloud storage, firewall-protection, and stable bills payment and always pay them on time.

Find Where Mercury Retrograde Begins and Ends

The example below illustrates that October 4-26, 2014 Mercury in reversing, the Mercury sign, the event days were emphasized in yellow. A small letter R is indicated when Mercury turns backward and a letter D symbol when it turns straight.

To spot the reverse movement, numbers in the column spins backward. The degree numbers in the Mercury are also the speed through the zodiac symbol. For example, retrogrades start at 2 degrees for Scorpio on October 4th and end at 16 degrees. All 12 zodiac signs can take up 30 degrees of the zodiac wheel. The right formula should be 30=60 degrees of the circle, which proves that astrology can sometimes be a nerd art.

The Mercury retrograde begins at 2 degrees Scorpio and goes back to 16 degrees Libra. The ephemeris is the start and end of the shadow.

October 2014 Ephemeris

Find the Shadow’s Beginning

Since Mercury retrograde moves in reverse, take a look at the date of the retrograde to know when the Mercury retrograde shadow period starts. Mercury finished its retrograde on October 26th at 16 degrees Libra.

September 2014 Ephemeris

There are a few signs of the upcoming Mercury retrogrades; foggy minds lead to uncertain thinking, miscommunications, and reconnecting with old friends and lovers. To have you prepared for this forthcoming event, always secure your digital data, resolve all your issues with your loved ones, and guard all your important documents by putting a password for protection.

Find the Shadow’s End

We should begin looking at the Mercury retrograde date, which is also the end of the Mercury retrograde shadow. On October 4th, Mercury retrograde will be at 2 degrees, Scorpio will move calmly forward in the ephemeris, and would reach back at 2 degrees Scorpio. In this particular setting, you would see how it will safely pass the 2 degrees Scorpio by November 11th, 2014.

November 2014 Ephemeris

The second retrograde shadow is processing and integration. Mercury retrograding can make your life challenging, but valuable lessons can be learned from the event. The second half-shadow is all about training your communication skills when it comes to handling conflicts. Also, communication skills can help you solve conflicts and be understood by other people.

Shadows of Other Planetary Retrogrades

A retrograde happens to all planets, a universally ominous sign. This event can be infuriating, but this event will make us vigilant in life. Venus and Mars will retrograde every other year. While Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus retrograde yearly. They will also undergo a shadow phase and spot the shadow phase by using the same formula. Don’t forget to get your ephemeris and be safe.

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