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Horoscope Compatibility

Aside from the star comparison, horoscopes' resemblance must be considered before one decides to get married. The Papasamya must be checked for the placement the good and threatening positions of …

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What should you do during the Mercury Retrograde?

The Mercury retrograde is a retrogressive shadow that will happen around two weeks before and two weeks after the planet’s backspin. Prior and after a planet moves backward, it will …

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Compatibility Between Two Individuals

Marriage is an essential tie in our Hindu belief. When two persons choose to be together in their lifetime, one male and one female, we call it marriage. Hindus have …

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4 Easy Birth Chart Reading Techniques For Beginners

Reading a birth diagram is a procedure that can take a while. There are some cases that you will need to know what stands apart the most in a birth …

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The Houses of Horoscope

The planets, elements, and houses are the horoscope's main components, and many people don't know about it. There are twelve celestial houses; each of them is affected by another zodiac …

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